

Everybody post and let me know what you want to do and when. Here are a few things that have a schedule that I would like to do...

1) The trek needs scheduled. I'm thinking about scheduling that for Monday. Let me know if this does NOT work for you. Otherwise, I'll call and schedule it that day. I'll schedule the unguided tour so that however many of us are up to it that day can trek. :)

2) I'd like to schedule Hannibal for Thursday as that's the ONLY day that there is an event in Hannibal - and it's an outdoor concert. It is in the evening and it's definitely not hugely important that we're there on that day... just seemed like a good day for Hannibal.

3) I'd like to attend Sacrament Meeting in Nauvoo on Sunday. There are meetings at 8, 10 and 2. There is more info here. The 8 o'clock service is for visitors and missionaries. The 10 and 2 times are local wards (but, of course, we can visit one of those).

4) The BYU Young Ambassadors will be performing the entire week while we're there. They do a special Sunday concert that might be nice to attend. All of the concerts (and most all activities in Nauvoo) are free.

5) There are tons of plays, etc. Also, if you haven't yet seen the Joseph Smith movie - it's very worth watching. If you haven't seen it for awhile - worth watching again. Anyhow, more entertainment listed here... with a calendar of events here.

6) Carthage... I was thinking I'd like to go to Carthage on Tuesday. This puts a day between travel to Hannibal and breaks up Nauvoo. OR, we could go to Sacrament Meeting and then go to Carthage on Sunday.... let me know what you think. Summer hours are: Mon-Sat, 8am-9pm. Sun, 11am-7pm. It looks like there is a beautiful park in Carthage where we could maybe have a picnic lunch. I'd also like to visit the Town Hall in the town square, and the Kibbe Museum (they have Mormon stuff and Lincoln stuff). Admission to the museum is free and the hours are: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 1-4 p.m. Sunday.

7) Temple day - we need to decide when we want to attend the temple. Are we going to try to have the grands do baptisms on the same day the adults do a session? Is everybody wanting to do a session? The children can stay at the Visitor Center while the adults do a session. There are films, etc.

Most things (carriage rides, etc.) in Nauvoo are available every day - so no stress about scheduling. As you all come up with ideas of what matters most to you (or things you DON'T want to do) just post them.

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