MONDAY Itinerary (if interested)

TREK - be there at 7:30 a.m.

"LOCATION: Northeast of Historic Nauvoo Visitors’ Center on Partridge Street

APPROXIMATE LENGTH OF GUIDED TOUR: One to three hours, depending on the trail you select

All Sites, Tours, Shows, and Rides at Historic Nauvoo are FREE!

Family Friendly

Experience a handcart trek similar to the one some of the Mormon pioneers endured 150 years ago.

Although most early pioneers traveled west using a covered wagon and team of oxen, there were some who couldn’t afford such travel accommodations.

The less expensive handcart, much like a large, shallow wheelbarrow, allowed the poorer of the Mormons to afford the journey west. Because travel was more difficult with a handcart, it became a familiar symbol of dedication and duty to God.

Guided and non-guided handcart tours are available. Guided tours are for groups of eight to ten people, lasting approximately two hours. Unguided tours require no minimum number or length of time. "

12:45 - Just Plain Anna-Amanda - LOCATION: Cultural Hall
7:00 - Rendezvous in old Nauvoo - LOCATION: Cultural Hall

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