TUESDAY Itenerary

10:00 AM - Youth in the temple for baptisms @ 10:30

LUNCH - Uptown

1:00 PM - Adult Endowment Session (clothing available to rent - See this post for ideas for the children while we're in our session)

7:00 PM - Sunset by the Mississippi

8:30 PM - Young Ambassadors

MONDAY Itinerary (if interested)

TREK - be there at 7:30 a.m.

"LOCATION: Northeast of Historic Nauvoo Visitors’ Center on Partridge Street

APPROXIMATE LENGTH OF GUIDED TOUR: One to three hours, depending on the trail you select

All Sites, Tours, Shows, and Rides at Historic Nauvoo are FREE!

Family Friendly

Experience a handcart trek similar to the one some of the Mormon pioneers endured 150 years ago.

Although most early pioneers traveled west using a covered wagon and team of oxen, there were some who couldn’t afford such travel accommodations.

The less expensive handcart, much like a large, shallow wheelbarrow, allowed the poorer of the Mormons to afford the journey west. Because travel was more difficult with a handcart, it became a familiar symbol of dedication and duty to God.

Guided and non-guided handcart tours are available. Guided tours are for groups of eight to ten people, lasting approximately two hours. Unguided tours require no minimum number or length of time. "

12:45 - Just Plain Anna-Amanda - LOCATION: Cultural Hall
7:00 - Rendezvous in old Nauvoo - LOCATION: Cultural Hall

The train station is located @ 340 South 600 West, Salt Lake City. Here is the link. It says there is parking, but I'm not sure how that's going to work, etc. so if somebody has time to drive by there tomorrow it might be a good idea. We won't be driving through Salt Lake when we come through, so can't check. Otherwise, I'll see if I can call. :)